Other projects within the community have taken time to materialise but this one, we were able to implement our planned activities immediately.

The Humanitarian Economy

The Humanitarian Economy

Funding to Syrian Humanitarian Actors

Between sub-contracting and partnership

This report from L2GP estimates, that while Syrian humanitarian actors were responsible for delivering 75% of the humanitarian assistance in 2014, they received only 0.3% of the direct and 9.3 % of the indirect cash funding available for the overall Syria response. Despite their crucial role, Syrian NGO’s struggled to get their most basic costs covered in the sub-contracting and partnership agreements they have with international agencies. While international actors are all committed to transparency, 30% of the known funding remains unknown in terms of which humanitarian actor actually received the funding. Private remittances and assistance from diaspora groups were found to play a crucial role in day-to-day survival but it remained impossible to estimate their exact volume.




