sclr supports the entire community, and not individuals, this is a change to previous years, and is a new way of conducting projects

Community Member



In August 2021 an earthquake hit southwest Haiti causing widespread devastation. Local partners Konbite pou Ranfose Akyson Lakay (KORAL) and Service Jésuites aux Migrants (SJM), in partnership with Christian Aid, implemented a large scale sclr response to the complex emergency. This was the first time sclr was used across the humanitarian response responding to a crisis, and allowed for a rapid, effective and transparent response. Local partners Reseau des Organisations pour le Developpment des Palmes (RODEP), Service Chretienne d’Haïti (SCH), and Foundation Novelle Grande-Anse (FNGA), also responded quickly with support from Act Church of Sweden. Within hours of the earthquake they began to collect information to map both the most urgent, and long-term needs of community members.

L2GP has supported sclr in Haiti since 2017, when ACT Alliance members first invited local organisations to participate in training and then implement community cash grants. Members of local organisations from across the country, working in multiple sectors, joined the training and began to implement sclr. Since this initial training other local partners have also begun to implement sclr. Local partners implementing sclr in Haiti include:

Association Haïtienne d’Assistance Agricole, Médicale, Educative et Sociale (AHAAMES)
Action pour un développement durable (ACDED)
Association de techniciens pour la promotion l’agriculture et la protection de l’environnement du sud-est (ATEPASE) 
Concert Action  
Fondation Nouvelle Grand-Anse (FNGA)  
Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés (GARR)
Groupe d’Appui au Développement Local (GADEL)
Haiti Survie
Konbit pou Ranfose Aksyon Lakay (KORAL)
Reseau des Organisations pour le Développement des Palmes (RODEP)
Reseau por la Sauvegarde de la Fôret des Pins (RSFP)
Service Chretienne d’Haïti (SCH)  
Service Jésuite aux Migrantes (SJM) 

Sclr Learning Analysis

Jessica Dolcy and Duquesne Prophete of Franglais Management, June 2022 (supported by Start Fund)

A review of sclr emergency response after the 2021 Haiti earthquake. The review demonstrates that sclr is viable, accountable and effective at scale.

Learning Review | Executive Summary

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