If all NGOs worked the way this project works in support of the community a lot more could be achieved​

Community Member

Occupied Palestinian Territories


Supporting community-led crisis response is not a fix-all for all crises, but an evolving set of guidance on how the current, externally driven approaches to aid can be complemented by directly supporting affected individuals and communities in analysing threats, challenges, and importantly – identifying opportunities for positive change which they can then pursue themselves. Sclr has also shown itself to be an effective approach for supporting mutual aid efforts affected people already engage in.

L2GP offers training workshops on implementing sclr and ‘training of trainers’ courses in sclr approaches. Please get in touch to find out about our next workshops and how you can participate.

Introductory Resources

Sclr Short Course

A self-paced three-part introduction to the core elements of sclr.

An introduction to sclr

a two-page summary of the sclr approach and examples. Also available in [AR] [FR] [SP].

HPN 84: sclr practical learning and experience

Lessons and recommendations from 10 years’ of implementing sclr. Also available in [AR] [FR] [SP]

CALP Group Cash Transfers: Guidance and Tools

Guidance from CALP on implementing group cash transfers [external link]

Background to sclr

A summary of L2GPs research and experience so far on community responses to crisis.

Community-led crisis response

A short video introduction to sclr in context.

Training materials

L2GP offers training in co-design of sclr processes, as well as training of trainers to deliver slcr in different contexts. Once you have acquainted yourself with the introductory resources on this site, including the sclr short course, and would like to take a deeper dive into implementing slcr in practice, please do get in touch to discuss training opportunities.

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